Student Services
The university offers many services available to all students, from mental health counselling to academic advising. Take advantage of these services, because you pay for them in your tuition and fees. You can access student services here: www.unb.ca/saintjohn/studentservices
UNB Saint John has opened a new Campus Store located in room 112, G. Forbes Elliot Athletic Centre. Hours of operation is Monday-Friday 9am to 4pm.
The Campus Store will have textbooks available for in store purchase for the Fall 2023 Semester. To place an online order, visit the UNB Online Bookstore.
To find out which textbooks your professor would like you to purchase, look up your course code here. Before you buy a textbook, check the course syllabus to make sure it is required. Check the UNBSJ Textbooks for Sale Facebook Group to see if you can find the textbook you are looking for used. Always check with your professor before purchasing an older edition of a textbook, just in case information in the book has changed or an online activation code is required.
Important Dates & Deadlines
Wondering when the Fall Reading Week is? Need to check the deadline to drop a course without penalty? Check here
Microsoft office
UNB students receive Microsoft Office software for free. Click here to find more information on downloading Microsoft Office to your computer through your UNB Log in.
Bus Passes
If you are planning to use public transportation to come to campus, Saint John Transit offers Student Bus Passes. There is a bus stop located on campus in front of the Student Centre. You can purchase your bus pass for October at the new Campus Store! More information on city transit can be found here.
Health & Dental Plan
To find out more about your student health and dental plan coverage and how to make claims visit: www.unbsrc.ca/health. All full-time students are automatically enrolled in the plan, to opt out visit: www.wespeakstudent.com/unb-saint-john. Deadline to opt out of the plan for September start students is September 22nd, 2024.
During the first week of classes, parking on campus is not ticketed. Daily parking passes can be purchased from stations in the main parking lot for $5, and hourly parking can be paid for at metered spots or through HotSpot (htps.ca). 4, 8, or 12 month parking passes will go on sale starting August 24th. Parking passes will be required on campus. Due to the pandemic we are moving all parking pass sales online. Taking this step will eliminate line ups and in-person contact in order to help keep you safe and keep our staff safe as well. Please visit the UNB Environmental Health, Safety and Security web page at the following address: https://www.unb.ca/saintjohn/security/parking.html and click on the “online form” at the bottom of the page to go to the online system. You will need to confirm the details of your vehicle, so please have your vehicle plate number on hand before you start.
For students the payment option will be through your U-Card account only, for information on how to put money in your account, please go to: https://www.unb.ca/ucard/. We will not be doing "pay on pick-up" this year on the Saint John campus. You will be prompted to enter a local mailing address where you want us to mail the pass to you. This is important so that there are fewer delays in receiving your pass, especially if your normal address is outside of New Brunswick.
To claim a locker on campus, simply put your lock on any locker not already in use or designated for private use.
Paying Tuition
Check out (www.unb.ca/financialservices/paymentoptions) for information on how to pay your tuition online. Appointments can be made at the Registrar’s office to pay in-person (www.OfficeoftheRegistrarSaintJohnCampusbookings.ca).
UCard Pickup
Curious on the process of setting up and picking up your UCard? You can find all information by clicking here.
Athletic Facilities
The on-campus Fitness and Weight Room is now open 7:30AM - 10:00PM Monday to Friday and 12:00PM - 4:00PM Saturday and Sunday. Contact Sharon Stewart, sharon.stewart@unb.ca, for more information or visit the athletics website: www.unb.ca/saintjohn/athletics