What is Governance?
The need for governance exists anytime a group of people come together to accomplish an end. Though the governance literature proposes several definitions, most rest on three dimensions: authority, decision-making and accountability. Governance determines who has power, who makes decisions, how other players make their voice heard and how account is rendered.
The Students’ Representative Council has several documents governing the structure and operating format of the Company. These documents can be found below and any questions or concerns can be directed to the President at president@unbsrc.ca or the General Manager at generalmanager@unbsrc.ca.
Priorities Document
Audited Financial Reports
Each year the SRC Executive creates a priorities document to outline what we hope to accomplish in addition to our regular duties. To view this year’s priorities document click the button below.
Meeting Minutes
The Students' Representative Council holds regularly scheduled meetings throughout the year to bring forward the concerns of students across campus; report the affairs of the campus and the executive; and plan and propose future actions of the organization.
The SRC's meetings are open to all members of the student body, and shall be advertised at least seventy-two (72) hours before each way by any means possible to allow appropriate notice. In further attempts to make the meetings of the Students' Representative Council as transparent as possible, all of the recorded minutes shall be available below.
For more information on the details of the SRC's meetings, please read the Meeting sections of the SRC's By-Laws listed below.
The Students’ Representative Council of the University of New Brunswick in Saint John, Inc. By-laws are the rules and regulations enacted by the Company to provide a framework for its operation and management. The By-laws contains the qualifications, rights and liabilities of membership, and the powers, duties, and grounds for the dissolution of an organization.
Operating Policy Manual
The Students’ Representative Council of the University of New Brunswick Operating Policy Manual is a written document that lists the instructions and activities necessary to complete the tasks in accordance with the Students’ Representative Council of the University of New Brunswick in Saint John, Inc. By-laws.
As per the requirements of the University of New Brunswick, the UNB Student Representative Council (UNBSRC) undergoes an annual audit. Since its inception, UNBSRC has been audited on a yearly basis. Audited financial statements are available for review with the guidance of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), who can provide further clarification as needed. You can contact the CFO at finance@unbsrc.ca.
The UNB-SRC operates on a $300,000 annual budget, which changes yearly and reflects student enrolment numbers.
This budget funds a wide range of services for students, including Orientation Week, events that create a vibrant student life, advocacy efforts, Safe Ride and more.