Annual Meeting of the Members - 2021


The UNB-SRC’s Annual Meeting of the Meeting is a student union tradition to bring together all student members at UNB Saint John to review our year and inform students on what we completed on their behalf. This year we will not be able to come together as a collective student union because of the pandemic, so the SRC executives have brought their reports and updates to you virtually.

Executive reports


President - Patrick Hickey

Over the past two years I have been immensely proud to serve the students of UNB Saint John, advocate on their behalf and facilitate dozens of special projects that will benefit students for years to come. Despite the pandemic, this has been an extremely successful year for our organization and we have made significant investments in campus infrastructure, services and most importantly our student support programs. I am pleased with what we were able to accomplish this year, especially considering the time spent managing our pandemic response, planning events within public health guidelines and working remotely for parts of the year. It is important to recognize that this year has been exceptionally difficult for so many students due to the financial and social impacts of the pandemic. We worked hard to provide as many supports as possible and connect students with university and community resources. I hope all students take the time to read our reports to gain a better understanding of what we completed this year and the challenges that lie ahead.

Final Report - President


VP ExternaL - Charlotte Fanjoy

After coming into this role part way through the year, I saw the impact of what our hard work could do on behalf of students. As VP External I am honoured represent the students of UNB Saint John on the New Brunswick Student Alliance and at the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations. I have continued to advocate for the broader implementation of Open Educational Resources to reduce the financial burden of textbooks and a formalized student complaint and appeal system. I represented UNB Saint John students when woking with the provincial government on many matters, including campus sexual violence, financial aid and greater funding for post-secondary institutions during the pandemic. I am looking forward to continuing this work as your SRC President next year.

Final Report - VP External


VP Student Life - Kirsten Hurley

Despite the limitations of COVID-19, we continued to have tons of events, both in-person and online, almost every week this year. It was disappointing to not be able to host our staple events, such as first class bash, but the SRC worked hard to provide students with an exceptional student life experience through an extended orientation week with both in-person and virtual events, a Shinerama day, countless event weeks, workshops, the SRC Awards Gala and so much more! I hope everyone had a great year and I can’t wait to see our student life continue to grow at UNB Saint John!

Final Report - VP Student Life


VP Finance & Operations - Michael Jodrie

Managing the finances and the majority of the SRC services during a pandemic has been challenging, especially since it took time to learn the ropes as I started this position only at the beginning of this semester. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, the SRC was able to stay on the financial course and continue to offer our services, such as SafeRide, when permitted by public health. We worked hard to put in place COVID-19 safety measures, provide support to clubs planning events in uncertain times, and to ensure our budget was used to its fullest to support students.

Final Report - VP Finance & Operations


Highlights from 2020-21