Thank you for coming! Stay tuned for more sessions.

Previous Sessions

Tues March 23rd at 6_00 AT.png

Module:The Basics of Investing

Tuesday, March 23 2021 at 6:00 PM

The goal of this workshop is to de-mystify investing. Investing is not a get rich quick scheme, it’s a way of putting your money to work for you! This module is designed to provide the foundational knowledge necessary to begin investing. You will leave the presentation knowledgeable about the benefits and risks of investing. This module covers the differences between saving and investing, how to invest efficiently and keep more of your money, and how to manage investing risk.

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Module:Living a Healthy Financial Life

Tuesday, February 9 2021 at 6:00 PM

Learn about setting goals, budgeting, and how to develop a plan and road map for a healthy financial future. 

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Module:Borrowing for Books

Tuesday, February 23 2021 at 6:00 PM 

This workshop will help you understand the various sources of money available to pay for your post-secondary education, including scholarships, grants and bursaries, loans and earned income, in addition to discussing repayment, the overall cost of education and how to manage credit and debt.