UNB Job Bank

The UNB job bank has many job postings from the community and within the university. Make sure you explore the job bank to find great employment opportunities. You can sign into the job bank using your UNB login here: unb.ca/apps/student-services/job-bank-listings

Math & Science Help Centre Tutors

The Math and Science Help Centre is currently looking for qualified student tutors in math, stats, and general intro science. If you are interested in this opportunity visit Math and Science Help Centre website to find the application form and contact information: www.unb.ca/sase/resources/mathhelp

NB Job Match

Working NB provides an online service to match job seekers and employers in the same region together. To find available job in your region get started here: magnet.whoplusyou.com/lp/employmentnb

Canada Job Bank

The Canadian Government has a job bank with specific resources for students. You can search based on your area, type of occupation and your status as a student. Access the Canada Job Bank here: www.jobbank.gc.ca/jobsearch

Canada Summer Jobs

Many local employers receive funding through Canada Summer Jobs to employ post-secondary students over the summer months. You can search posted jobs from employers that received funding here: www.jobbank.gc.ca/youth


Student Employment Experience Development or SEED is a Government of New Brunswick program that funds job opportunities for students in our local region. Students can search jobs available through this program here: www.nbjobs.ca/seed/listing

NB Job Bank

NB Jobs allows you to search their job banks for thousands of opportunities across New Brunswick. You can search the Job Bank here: www.nbjobs.ca


The Federal Student Work Experience Program or FSWEP provides students access to hundreds of job postings within the Canadian Government. This is a great way to find well-paying summer jobs across Canada and to gain meaningful work experience. You can learn more about the program and set up your account here: www.canada.ca/jobs/students/federal-student-work-program